Much more than correcting mistakes
Not completely satisfied with your copy? Not sure it’ll do the job? The solution is professional editing and optimization.
Editing – for enhanced effect and effectiveness – is one of our strengths at CTC. We turn your drafts into polished content that is accurate, effective, and enjoyable to read.
Editing is correcting mistakes, but it’s also much more…
- We tailor the language to your target audience
- We ensure the style is consistent throughout
- We use positive and persuasive phrasing
- We get rid of pointless repetition
- We clarify whatever is unclear
- We turn jargon into accessible and enjoyable content
- We write headings that state benefits
- We add examples or images where needed
Editing: no ordinary task
The Editors’ Association of Canada provides us with a detailed definition of the task of editing:
“Editing – that is, the careful and methodological review of a text in order to improve, modify or correct it – is intended to ensure the quality of the language and effectiveness of the communication. […]
Working in collaboration with various stakeholders in the chain of operations that begin with the initial text to the final published or online document, the editor must fully understand the respective roles of each team member and possess strong interpersonal qualities.
The editor must also possess the skills necessary to successfully complete all the stages of document proofreading. This includes in-depth understanding of the language, resources and difficulties. In addition, the editor must possess strong synthesis, analysis and problem-solving skills, and pay particular attention to details while avoiding making unnecessary changes.
The editor may be asked to oversee tasks such as project management or coordination, index building, documentary research or publishing.”
In the following table, the EAC explains various facets of the work of an editor.
Editing activities
Basic skills
Generally speaking, the editor must possess the basic skills in three major areas: organization and execution of work, content of a publication, page layout and typography.
Substantive editing
Substantive editing includes clarifying and/or reorganizing a manuscript for content and structure to adapt it to the target audience.
Editorial review
Editorial review improves the style of the text on the whole, correcting syntax, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.
Copy preparation
La préparation de copie consiste à mettre au point un texte déjà révisé en vue de sa mise en pages. Il s’agit notamment d’appliquer de façon uniforme dans tout le document les règles et les conventions en usage, et d’informer le ou la graphiste de toute exigence particulière touchant la production.
Proofreading includes all revision that follows the page layout or Web integration stage. For initial or subsequent proofs, the editor must review typography, spelling, text layout and all aspects of the visual presentation.
Comparative revision
Comparative revision compares the content of a translated publication or text with the source text to ensure consistency with the original version (French to English, for example). Normally, comparative revision is performed during the production of content, following the translation process, and once again when the document is prepared for layout or ready to be published online.